Federal Appeals Court: Tasers are not a short-cut

Use of force events do not occur in a vacuum; they are generally governed by department policies that contain a use of force “spectrum” which define increasing levels of force, and the circumstances that justify moving from one level to the next. The spectrum typically ranges from no-force measures like “officer presence” up to the… read more…

Oklahoma has more prison homicides than any other state

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) show Oklahoma has the highest rate of prison homicides in the nation.  While Maryland comes in second,  the BJS indicate that Oklahoma inmates are killed at a rate more than three times the national average.  According to a story by The Associated Press, Oklahoma officials blame gang violence for giving… read more…

Police Misconduct Clear In Takedown of Indian National

A widely circulated dashcam video of officer Eric Parker shows him slamming Sureshbhai Patel to the ground causing possible paralysis in a brazen display of police misconduct. Patal, an innocent man, was simply out on a morning walk. The excessive force used by Parker has shed light on a growing problem among law enforcement- police… read more…

Your Fracking Right! Has Money Influenced Pro-Fracking Legislation?

Oklahoma Republican Jeff Hickman has introduced a bill that would prevent cities and towns from deciding whether to allow fracking in their jurisdiction. The measure is particularly concerning to people in cities and towns– population centers where increased seismic activity caused by fracking could have a devastating impact on property owners, especially where the property… read more…

Who is responsible for the actions of security guards?

A Tulsa man who was shot in the neck by a security guard may have a cause of action against the guard’s employer and the apartment complex that hired him. On Wednesday, a man and woman were in a vehicle at the Deerfield Estates Apartments located at 88th and Delaware in Tulsa. Reports indicate the… read more…